Anthology for Unseen is a collaborative book project of 63 contributors from more than eleven countries, made to document “unseen” creative responses, reactions and reflections to the isolating months of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Created by Amanda Bauer and Ruoyi Shi, who met in art school and were just getting to know their graduate program cohort when the pandemic suddenly forced everyone into lockdown. They created this project as a way to ‘push back’ against circumstances, build community through creative expression, and to begin to think of these uncertain times in a new way. Initiated via Instagram, almost 100 submissions from artists and non-artists of all ages, were received. They curated and edited the anthology, completed the design and printed a short-run of 300 books in October, 2023.
The 212-page, full-color book is a document of personal stories shared as one continuous narrative, through the contributor’s images and text. The introduction is written by Rashmi Viswanathan, Assistant Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art History, University of Hartford.
We believe our book will resonate with makers of all kinds, and will provoke thought for anyone who was challenged by the drastic shifts in events and news due to the global pandemic.
Books are available for purchase
Venmo: $30 (shipping included for continental US)
If interested, send us an email: anthologyforunseen(at)